Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

When terrible things happen, many people are lastingly affected. In some, the effects are so persistent and severe that they are debilitating and constitute a disorder. Generally, events likely to cause PTSD are those that invoke feelings of fear, helplessness, or horror. Combat, sexual assault, and natural or man-made disasters are common causes of PTSD. However, it can result from any experience that feels overwhelming and life threatening, such as physical violence or an automobile crash.

These events may be experienced directly (such as having a serious injury or being threatened with death) or indirectly (witnessing others being seriously injured, killed, or threatened with death; or learning of traumatic events that occurred to close family members or friends). People may have experienced a single trauma or, as is common, multiple traumas.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder


Panic Disorders


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