
Reiki is an ancient healing practice. The term Reiki combines the Japanese words expressing, “Universal Boundless Energy” with “Ki” referring to Vital Life Force Energy. As a healing art, the Reiki Practitioner channels the life force to the recipient allowing for vitalization of body and soul. Reiki can be used for loosening blockages, releasing emotions and aligning the chakras, promoting relaxation, decreasing stress, reducing pain and clearing toxins. Reiki adjusts itself to fit the needs of the recipient. It is a holistic method of speeding up the body’s natural ability to heal and can help one along
in achieving one’s Spiritual Path.

A  Reiki session lasts between 20 and 60 minutes. At your first appointment, you’ll meet with your reiki practitioner. You’ll have a discussion about the process and your expectations. Let your practitioner know if there are places in the body on which you’d like them to focus.

You’ll be instructed to lie down on a treatment table or mat. You may be covered with a blanket. Relaxing music will be playing in the background. For the most part there won’t be any talking during the session, but let your practitioner know if there’s something you need to feel more comfortable.

The practitioner will move their hands around your body. They may touch you lightly or have their hands just above your body.

You may experience sensations in the body such as heat or tingling. Some people report seeing visualizations such as colors or pictures, or having memories appear. Try to allow whatever arises to pass without attaching too much meaning to it.

Check out this Daily News Article on the benefits of Reiki for kids.

COVID19 UPDATE: Therapy Long Island is now offering virtual sessions. Click here to book an immediate session with Calendly.