Divorce and Depression

Divorce and Depression

In my profession as a Therapist, I work with people experiencing reactive depression frequently.  By reactive depression I mean the depression can be attributed to something tangible like a divorce. 

Most people going through divorce experience a degree of situational depression as part of the normal grieving process over all the losses the end of the marriage brings.

If not dealt with effectively, situational depression can linger for much longer than it needs to. This is when you may get trapped in repetitive negative thinking patterns. Although it may feel justified and downright good to harbor angry feelings towards an ex, it will ultimately hijack your positive mindset.

Since the idea is to recover quickly from these negative mindsets, I offer several proven techniques to help you begin to heal form the divorce. These can include journal writing, goodbye letters, receiving human touch including your own and practicing self-compassion exercises.


 Job Loss and Depression

Grieving and Depression

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Depression

Meditation and Depression

Call us at 516-428-4429 to have all of your therapy questions answered by Dr. Scott Silverman, or schedule a session with us today!

COVID19 UPDATE: Therapy Long Island is now offering virtual sessions. Click here to book an immediate session with Calendly.